Look at Moses, Jesus, Gandhi and Eleanor Roosevelt. Not an extrovert in the bunch!
This is just one example of conventional wisdom being wrong.
Want some more?
"If man was meant to fly, God would have given him wings." - Anonymous
"Nobody will buy a personal computer." - IBM
"Automobiles are just a passing fancy." - Anonymous
"We're in the railroad business." - Pullman (He should have been in the transportation business, right)
- Have you examined the conventional wisdom about marketing your bowling center and have you challenged it or have you waved off "the weird," "the absurd," the-never-worked-here-answers" of those with more (ahem) experience?
- Have you questioned all the conventional answers, or questioned the questioners or asked different questions? One question you should always ask is: "Why would I buy this product (promotion), (program) if (and depending on the target)
- a- I haven't been bowling in years,
- b- Bowled once or twice a year
- c- Was a league bowler
- How can I embrace or look for something that is a breakthrough. No "IT" hasn't all been done before. And that type of conventional wisdom will kill any presumption of birthing a new idea. There is allot out there and technology is opening up new doors for you every day. Embrace it. Change it. Punch it in the mouth and shake it up.
Here's the lesson: Conventional wisdom, no matter how we feel about, is often dead wrong. If we assume it is right, then we limit our options to solve a problem or take on a new task and ultimately it limits the range of our debate.
So go out there, shake it up. Maybe even ask an introvert. Hey, you never know :)
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