Weird? You bethca!
In following up with
clients, I sometimes find that they are stuck. Yes, stuck. Sure they know what
to do. They know what they are supposed to do. They know how to do it. They
even know how to make sure it gets done right.
But they just don’t do it.
Perhaps it is
because they haven’t had many wins lately or maybe it is because they feel that
the bowling Gods have not been kind to them. Or perhaps they feel a sense of deep
frustration, or worse, a sense of futility.
Is it because they have been counting on someone else o help them out? Or they think that the best strategy to have
is “hope?”
Well I am here to
tell you: only you can help yourself.
Don’t count on any
big brother association, manufacturer or sponsor to do it all for you. It’s your ball game to win or lose.
This is a beautiful,
wonderful industry with many cool people who have overcome adversity and risen
out of the ashes to become successful. Learn from them. Learn from other
industries and their leaders. Learn all you can about contemporary marketing
methods. Read all the books you can. Attend all the courses you can. Never ever stop learning and never stop doing.
Because as an old
friend once told me when you are stuck and just not “getting to the issues”,
then the only thing to do is to do something.
I don’t care if it’s reorganizing the office. I don’t care if you take
up yoga or want to become a sheep herder or lose 15 pounds.
Just do something
that you can see a result. Then do something else. And then something else. Until you get back
into the habit of doing something at your maximum potential. Not half baked.
Not half heartedly. Not half assed. But as Tom Coughlin said, the coach of the Super Bowl wining NY Giants - "ALL IN." Its not enough to show up, do your job and go home.
You have to be ALL IN, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. And you have to have people around you who are ALL IN also.
Because if you're not ALL IN, you will never know how damn good you really are!
And wouldn't that be a shame to wake up one day and say "I coulda been somebody."
P.S. My friend, who lived on the island and refused to leave, right before the hurricane, finally came to his senses and did leave. His hurricane party came to a sudden end; packing and leaving with his family just in time before the wall of water hit his house. He was one of the lucky ones. His house was completely flooded, 8 feet of water on the first floor. His neighbors houses burned.
P.S. My friend, who lived on the island and refused to leave, right before the hurricane, finally came to his senses and did leave. His hurricane party came to a sudden end; packing and leaving with his family just in time before the wall of water hit his house. He was one of the lucky ones. His house was completely flooded, 8 feet of water on the first floor. His neighbors houses burned.