Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Feed The Dog

Your advertising results are inextricably linked to the message.

Two advertisers invest the same amount of money reaching the same target audience. One succeeds brilliantly and buys the mansion on the hilltop. The other fails miserably, receiving no response whatsoever. The difference between these two was in the message of their ads.

Ads that speak to the heart of the customer and touch a nerve are the ones that turn little companies into big companies. But few people know how to write such an ad. (We do and have been for years!) Most business owners approach advertising with the goal of merely getting their name out. But there is no evidence to suggest this will help you in the slightest.

A recent study by the Wharton School of business, University of Pennsylvania indicated that everything hinges on the message you attach to your name. Is your message predictable and, consequently, boring? Is it believable? Is it relevant to the perceived need of the reader/listener/viewer?

Tempt a dog with a bowl of rice, and he'll ignore you. Put a steak in the bowl, and you'll have his undivided attention. Your prospective customers are no different.

What have you been putting in their bowls?