Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's Hard to Get Great Sushi in South Dakota, Not Like NYC

Nothing against the good people of South Dakota, but sushi is hard to get there.  Not a lot of water close by and Sushi needs to be really fresh to be great, so even if it is imported, it is a bit “old” before it gets there.

I make this statement because it leads me to this blog:  You Can’t Get Great Marketing Inside Of Your Center.  Oh sure you can train your people to sell inside, and we certainly do that with our clients and you can develop email campaigns and Facebook campaigns that have solid content and great graphics. 

You can even produce beautiful fliers and great posters as well as graphic presentations for your overhead flat screen HD monitors.

And that leaves something we all call “outside selling”.  I don’t know why we call it that. (I guess to distinguish it from “inside selling”). It’s just sales 101”, a) getting visitors to become leads, b) getting leads to become real prospects, c) getting real prospects to become customers.

Now I could write a thesis on “outside selling” for bowling centers, FEC’s, mini golf courses, amusement parks, water parks, etc. There different yet similar.
But here is the thing that just amazes me and blows me away.  So few centers have even a part time person dedicated to selling.  Here’s why:
1.    Can’t afford it, too expensive
2.    Can’t measure it; what about the sales that come in over the phone?
3.    Can’t pay the person enough
4.    I have hired them in the past and they always leave
5.    They know I’m here, they will call us to have their party
6.    My center is too small, I have leagues first shift every night
7.    It’s just one more thing I will have to do or my manager will have to do and he doesn’t like selling

I know there are a lot more reasons, but this probably covers the waterfront so let’s break it down here for you

1.    You cannot afford to not have someone selling. Even Google and Amazon have huge sales organizations. They are called account managers and they sell advertising solutions to big companies that want to advertise on their sites. Think about it. High tech companies have a sales force. So does Sysco and Pepsi and Brunswick and AMF and your local distributor.  In fact, you’re the only one in the industry that PROBABLY DOESN’T HAVE A SALES PERSON. C’mon, man.

2.    What do you mean you can’t measure it!? If you hire the sales person and you start to get more parties, special events and group outings, your sales increase. All you have to do is compare it to last year (same week and days). It ain't rocket science.  Just give your sales person at least 60 days before things start to kick in.

3.    You can’t pay the person enough. Have you heard about draw and commission based programs.  It’s been around awhile. Call me on this if you’re unsure and I will be happy to help.

4.    Yup, they leave for a variety of reasons; a) you have no goals for them, b) you tie them up in paper work having to report every minute, c) you haven’t given them some slick sales tools or let them do some direct marketing or take out a booth at a business “fair” in your town.

5.    If you believe this, do you still believe that ‘the check is in the mail?”

6.    Your center is too small. So was my Uncle’s Brother’s Father. So what?? You still have to maximize your income dedicating a sales effort is key.. Doesn't mean that you can’t figure out how to get more sales as well as the “other guy.”  C’mon man.

7.    Yup that’s why they call it work. But you don’t have to make it so hard on yourself if you added selling resources to your 2014 bowling center model.

But you know what?

It’s Hard To Get Great Steak In NYC. Not Like In South Dakota.