This is the time
of the year that almost all of my clients are into taking massive action to get
their leagues on the floor. from calling back league officers, secretaries, to
holding league officer meetings, to working with their consumer and business sales
organizations to conducting special events to bring in league bowlers, dropouts
and their friends as well a people who have expressed interest in league bowling.
In fact, next week
I am going to be talking about this process at the Michigan convention, but
today I just want to focus on a strategy called “Co-Registration” which is but
one part of our overall League Marketing Plan.
you are more of a publisher than you are a marketer. Think about how many emails, Facebook posts,
newsletters and other materials you are witting today as compared to just 3 to
5 years ago. I am sure it is a big change.
That’s why to help you build your email list, helping to get more foot
traffic and helping to generate a selling situation, co registering a local charity
and combining it with a mega event at your center is a great way to build your
brand; not to mention to get more people selling your product(s)
Coca Cola, the number one brand in the world, spends millions making sure
their brand is recognized. Of course as
the number one recognized brand in the world, you would ask why they have to do
this. Simply stated; because if they didn't their competition will.
Today I saw a co registration that CVS is investing in with “Back Pack
America”©, a not for profit organization that endeavors to provide back packs
for kids from underprivileged households.
CVS has taken on, at least in my
market, a major Cable TV campaign and Newspaper campaign and social marketing
campaign to get families who are planning to buy their children a new back pack
to donate their old back packs by dropping them off at a CVS store.
Why would CVS do this?
For several reasons:
1. It builds their brand by aligning themselves with an organization that helps kids
Why would CVS do this?
For several reasons:
1. It builds their brand by aligning themselves with an organization that helps kids
It builds traffic, ‘hey lets drop off this back pack, and while I’m there
I’ll pick up a few things
3. CVS sells back packs too… and school supplies as well as many, many
products that have a

Why would Target do this??
See 1,2, and 3 above. And you can add one other reason. It gives Target© a discernible point of differentiation as to why you should buy at Target© vs. other stores, especially during this “back to school season.”
So perhaps in conjunction with any traffic driver you are planning to do, maybe there is a local charity in your market that you can “co register” a program.
You will get more traffic. You will get more emails and more importantly, you will begin to change the still existing culture of “ye olde bowling alley” to “family friendly, community involved bowling center.”
As always, just give me a call if you want to discuss this with me.