1. Catching
your breath?
2. Thinking
about thanksgiving promotions
3. Working
on company holiday parties?
4. Thinking
about fundraisers?
5. Paying
back summer loans?
6. Getting
your staff in shape?
All good activities, but not farsighted enough.
Need to start
looking at the most important flooring season of the year (January and February)
and the most influential.
The January time
period is kind of a lull between baseball and football. Basketball is running
and probably Hockey will be up, but for the most part, we have less competition
than in any other time periods and more
1. For
most of the country, fewer people are taking advantage of outdoor activities.
2. People
are tired of being home so much; they NEED to get out.
3. More
rain and snow force people indoors to find fun.
4. After
the holidays, a kind of post holiday blues set in and we can be the activity
that breaks through the customers’ “blues.”
5. Kids don't have many options. No football, no soccer and maybe a little basketball. Maybe
some indoor soccer, but still more kids with less options.
With this being
said, NOW is the time to start developing your January league programs.
Here is a 10 point checklist for summer planning
1. What
are your goals for
a. League
2. What
day parts are available?
3. What
targets are available?
4. What
programs will match the day parts to the targets?
5. What
programs will be a set up for summer leagues?
6. What
programs will be two games or three games?
7. What
programs will be every week or every other week?
8. How
many new leagues do you feel comfortable trying to floor?
9. When
will you schedule your 1st staff meeting to discuss your plan?
10. Lists
of people to call back
a. Last
two years summer league bowlers
b. Summer
league dropouts
c. Businesses
you have had parties with in the past year
d. Winter
league dropouts
break time is over.