Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Acorns Into Chestnuts

There were 3,000,000 advertised jobs in June and according to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget,  4.7 people were  available for each job opening.

Quick math tells me that is about 15 million unemployed people.

They are in our cities, towns and villages..

We frequently talk about adapting to change and rising from it.
After all, change is supposed to make us better, isn't it?

So what are we doing to help change these folks lives?
Or maybe change just one person's life or one family's lives.

Why not volunteer our centers as a job fair site...every other Monday night or so?

Let's encourage business people we know to schedule job notices in our centers.

We'll feel better because we are doing something positive and the community will look up to us.
And our businesses will become even more respected than it already is.

From little acorns mighty chestnut trees grow.
