This is a much
abbreviated version, since what we do for our clients is a lot more elaborate than
this, involves more testing, reconfiguration and tweaking copy points and headlines… but it is
the essence of what we do.
Step One: Decide Who It Is You Are Talking To and What You Want Them To
Someone who hasn't bowled in 5 years or more
Someone who bowls maybe once or twice a year
Someone who bowls 3 + times a year
Someone who “usta bowl” at your center last year
or two years ago in a league
Any other segments you might be able to define?
NOTE: decide on age, gender, when they prefer to
bowl and what they have bought in the past and if
what you will be offering them is in line with their values and beliefs.
Step Two: Decide What Is Pleasurable About the Bowling Experience (to the person you will be talking to?)
Can be with friends and family, we can talk –
not like a movie
Affordable fun with kids, friends, whom ever -
Good for a weekend date
Something different to do
Music n bowling is cool. Sound system is awesome
and they play MY requests
Great for kids birthdays – easy to do and not
very expensive; doesn't mess up my house
Company parties – if food is good and service is
good and place isn't a throwback to old bowling alley
I like the friendly competition
Like to compete against my best score
10. Would
be more fun with more people – a bigger group of like 8 to 10 people
11. Food
is better than expected – actually better than a “Friday’s
12. Not
weather dependent, can do it rain or shine
13. Makes
me smile to see my kids having so much fun
Step Three: Decide What Is Painful About Bowling (to the person you will be talking to?)
People curse and swear near my kids
People not like me, they’re rednecks and rowdy
Place is always filthy and bathrooms look like a
toxic waste dump
Food just sucks and is over priced
Drinks are expensive and watered down
Nobody on the staff seems happy; why would I
want to go there?
The whole experience is too expensive and I have
other choices than going there
Bowling balls and shoes are old and trashy; I
hate wearing someone else’s bowling shoes and if they’re
OK why do they
disinfect them?
Music system and light system is a “D.” My Walkman works better than their sound
10. Not in a safe part of town anymore
11. Nobody
I know bowls
12. Can
only bowl after 9pm on weekdays and that’s too late; have to get up early
13. I’ll never get better at this and I don’t want
to take lessons and buy a ball, shoes and all that stuff – I’m
just not good at
it, so why should I do it?
Step Four: Write a Description of the Person You Are Going To Be Talking To
What do they like (see list above). What do they
dislike (see list above). How old are they?
Where do they work? What kind of a
car do they drive? Are they married, single, or divorced? What
other things do they do in their spare time? What foods do they like to eat? Would you be friends with
them? Would you let your kids play with their kids?
Would you want to be friends with them?
other activities do they do?
Create an
offer that this person could not resist because of WHO they are and what
their likes and
dislikes are and make the offer so strong that even you would
take advantage of it. There’s a lot of
out there so you need to stand out.
Create a
sense of urgency within your offer; “only 10 spots left, “going soon”, “limited
Don’t forget
that within your offer, you must have a headline that will snap my head
around, an offer
that is irresistible (either it diminishes their pain or
enhances their pleasure), a guarantee that you will
stand behind, a testimonial
or two that supports your claim of what a great offer this is and how happy
other people have been when they bought it.
Make sure that your graphic matches the audience and the
offer. Or is the graphic so off the wall that the potential customer will just have to stop and look.
Step Five: Go Write The Direct Mail, Flyer Or Email
Using This Formula.
1. If
you send me your “homework” I will
critique the “homework” for the first 25 people who
send me their finished
product (Absolutely FREE) and provide you with feedback.
Or you can just do what you have always been
doing…I’ll be happy to critique that too! :)