The last several
years, however; have plunged her into a ditch of dementia where her vast knowledge
base remains hidden to all of us.
We muse about how
sad it is, what a terrible disease this is and we feel totally helpless to
assist her, other than to provide her with 24 hour care, daily phone calls and
visits from my wife on a monthly basis.
This got me to thinking about bowling
and how sometimes I can see the look of helplessness on the faces of some
proprietors as they scramble around looking for THE solution to declining
The only solution,
I think, is to learn how to be the best 21st century marketer you
can be. I am not talking about advertising or promotions or direct mail or even
Face book or any of the tools we have at our disposal. At least not yet.
But I am talking about learning: Who buys your various products; why they buy
it; how to motivate them to make additional visits and how to generate new
customers as well.
The 21st century marketer must also have a deep understanding of how to create relevant “content” (or at least know where to get it) for the digital age; developing plans for executing your tactics and how to hold people accountable in a non threatening manner.
If you are willing to learn, I am prepared to assist you on your journey and provide the "foundation" to build more lineage, revenue and profits.
The 21st century marketer must also have a deep understanding of how to create relevant “content” (or at least know where to get it) for the digital age; developing plans for executing your tactics and how to hold people accountable in a non threatening manner.
If you are willing to learn, I am prepared to assist you on your journey and provide the "foundation" to build more lineage, revenue and profits.
So here’s what I
am offering.
Almost 1500 of you get my “Fredquarters
Marketing Blog”. If you’re willing to complete the marketing audit I will
send you, I will reply and provide you with a detailed marketing strategy statement,
and recommended tactics to achieve your goals; whether it is for this
summer or for the fall; your choice.
But here’s the catch.
These strategy statements and tactics are all customized for your particular center and usually take me about 5 to 6 hours
to complete. I’ll probably spend another hour or so speaking with you via phone
as well.
I value my time at about $150 per hour (hell, you pay your lawyer and accountant more than that and they TAKE money from you). I, at least, will provide you with a road map that you can use immediately!
I am willing to do it for FREE for SEVEN
(7) centers.
I wish I could do
more, but I guess donating about $8,000 in professional, battle tested marketing
services is just another contribution I am willing to make to the industry I
love and has loved me back.
If you want in on it, you’ll have to be one
of the first seven.
But please hurry.
I don’t
want to feel helpless two times today!!