Saturday, June 30, 2012

Maybe I'm Amazed

The old Rod Stewart song is one of my favorite songs and as I was flying back from Bowl Expo in Reno on an 11 hour flight, (courtesy of US Air) I found myself listing some of the things that amazed me; some good and some not so good.  

 I am amazed at: 
  •  The amounts of money America’s companies spend on “customer service and customer retention training” to watch how it fails, almost always, in real life pressure situations. 
  •  How some people just seem to get it right; who seem to "get it" and really want to give the customer what he wants and absolutely requires that his employees deliver it.
  • How we go to great seminars and listen as experts offer attendees consul, experience and advice and yet few atendess actually follow up with any real action that resulted from the seminar they just proclaimed “Great."
  • The levels of noise people make about how their business is doing poorly and when offered help, almost always say: “we tried that-it doesn't work.”
  •  How many business people I meet see these times as challenging, exciting, even empowering and look forward to competing every day in a  most tumultuous environment while others just sit idly by and play victim.  Find more friends in the former group than the latter group.
  • The cost of not doing a project thoroughly, from research and development to beta testing and roll out, rather than just “winging it on gut.”
  • The level of intensity some people have "to make it” even if they have to “fake it” for a while.
  • People I know who have driven themselves to economic success, then lost it all and have come right back and achieved success again. (And sometimes again and again). These “Never Give Up” types must be descendants from Winston Churchill’s spiritual soul. 
  •  The amount of time we spend never getting out of the office to go sell something or worse, to not have a plan on what, who and how to sell.
  •  How grateful some folks are that you helped them, offered them a seat on a bus, helped with getting their luggage into the overhead or even held a door open while others can’t even be bothered to acknowledge your consideration. What’s wrong with these people?  Probably everything!
  • How often people look at their existing business models and then do nothing to change it; those who do – after a thorough analysis- are usually pleased and also a little scared of the change.  If they weren't they wouldn't be human.
  •  The fear we have of making the wrong decision; so NO decision is always better. Doing something, I believe, is always better than doing nothing or faking doing something.
  • How much we too often worry what other people think about our “public” persona and how little time we spend on balancing our inner self so these worries become meaningless.
  • How some people just do the “A” work as frequently as they can, while others are content with doing the “B and C” work. Which ones do you think are more successful?
  • The people from whom I have learned how to be a better person, husband, father and business person – in that order.
  • How some people still brag that they don’t get "the whole internet thing” and leave that up to someone else.  That’s like leaving your breathing up to someone else.
  • How the busiest people I know always have time to help, assist and speak to you.
  • How we sometimes forget to thank, whatever source of spirituality we believe in, for our families, for our health and for the food we eat.  If you are one of those who are thankful every day, ignore this.  
  • How we proclaim “it’s all about the numbers” when it’s really all about the people who create the numbers – good and bad.  
  • The fact that I could write a blog like this.