While I receive tons of emails
from centers across the country, mostly I receive “sales fliers” from centers across
the planet which, unfortunately are being blocked, not read or worse deteriorating
any brand equity you may have built.

Here Are Some Facts about Facebook You May Not
Have Known
1. One in every nine people on Earth is on Facebook ( This number is calculated
by dividing the planets 6.94 billion people by
Facebook’s 750 million users).
2. People spend 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook.
3. Each Facebook user spends on average 15 hours and 33 minutes a month on
the site.
4. More than 250 million people access Facebook through their mobile
5. More than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook.
6. 30 billion pieces of content is shared on Facebook each month.
7. 300,000 users helped translate Facebook into 70 languages.
8. People on Facebook install 20 million “Apps” every day.
Questions I Have Been Asked and Answers (Based On Research by Buddy
Media 2012).
How Often Should We Post? A: Posting
one or two times a day produces 40% higher user engagement level.
What Is the Best Day to Post On Facebook? A: Publish on Wednesday and
Sundays and get an 8% above average fan engagement level.
What Is Best Time to Post On Facebook? A: Best to post at times when
fans are not at work and between the hours of 8pm and 7am which receive 20% more fan engagement.
How Frequently, Over the Course of A week, Should We Post? A: Posting
one to four times a week produces a 71% higher user engagement than five or
more posts.
How Long Should My Posts Be? A: Posts with less than 80
characters receive 66% higher engagement.
Very concise posts, less than 40 characters, generate the highest
engagement (86% higher). Moreover those
posts with the words “$ off” and “coupons” had a 55% and 39% higher engagement
rate, respectively. The words “sale” and
“% off” receive the lowest fan engagement.
Please print this and post near your computer. Thank You.