SAY is the new and improved re branded name for "Our Time."
This is the only time I ever try to sell you something. Ever.
SAY stands for Stuttering Association For The Young. You may not know it, but more than 70 million people in the world stutter, including 5% of all children.
In a world that can be unkind to those who are "different," kids who stutter are often marginalized, humiliated, and meant to feel that they are "bad" because of their stutter.
Their pain and frustration to express themselves is heartbreaking.
Kids who suffer from the pain, frustration and anguish struggle to participate in class, communicate with their friends and family, speaking on the phone or even ordering a Coke at the local convenience store.
Often, to shield themselves from ridicule and humiliation, kids who stutter emotionally shut down and put up barriers which, unfortunately can lead to the child never reaching his full potential.
At SAY.org, we help these kids break down these barriers through singing, dancing and acting. No one ever stutters when they sing or act in a different voice and the confidence they gain is so very powerful.
This April 28th, we will be hosting our 12th Gala event, a major fund raiser to generate revenue to carry on these higly effective and meaningful programs.
I know all about stuttering. I am one.
And that's why as a proud SAY Board member, I am asking that you support us with your dollars. Whether it is $5, $10 $25, $50 or $100, your contribution would be most appreciated. This year our honoree is John Scully, a former stutterer and former Pepsi and Apple executive.
Please support SAY's innovative programs that have helped thousands of kids to realize that they have a voice that matters. And if you are in NYC on Monday, April 28th, please join us at our gala event as we debut our new organizational name; SAY
It's an opportunity for you to see what kids will SAY whats in their heart; SAY what they feel and SAY it in their own words. It's also an opportunity to rub elbows with some very famous Hollywood and Broadway actors like Paul Rudd, Richard Belzer, Jesse L Martin, Meredith Viera and many more.
For more information on how to contribute, please click and paste here. http://gala.say.org/. And when you send your check, just put Fred Kaplowitz on the bottom left hand side line so I can send you a personal thank you marketing gift.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for reading this blog and for your future support of SAY.
Much Love to All