Many is the time
when I go to see an existing client or a new client and after the coffee and
catch up I usually get, “So Fred, in your travels around the country, have you
seen anything new?

Sure, New York,
New Jersey, New Mexico, ha, ha! Mildly
amused I still get, “no seriously, anything new?”
Now, while it’s
perfectly natural to ask the question about “what’s new?” (After all, we all want to be on the leading edge of technology and have the latest mouse trap and bait for our customers) we keep looking further and further out for "what's new? and we tend to forget about our existing products and their hunger for communication"
I always wish that
the question was rather: “anything out there that’s working great.” It just seems that what “works” is a lot more
important question than “what is new.”
Back in early February,
I started working on a client’s late
night weekday bowling product as well as tweaking his weekend family package to add more value to it.
He had these
programs in place and was struggling to keep up with his emailing,
faceboooking, SEO, SEM and SMO marketing when I finally said; “Whoa you’re spending so much time working
on the newest technology that you’re forgetting about communicating your
existing products!
His head snapped
around and he said, “Damn, you’re right, what do we do?”
About a day or two later I got back to him
with a multi media plan that included a series of direct mails, emails,
couponing and sweepstakes offers as well as some very targeted “freemiums” to major corporations and
businesses in the area.
“But, but”, he
sputtered, that’s not NEW!! "You are
right, 100% right," I answered, but it WORKS.
After an hour of
this, he finally agreed to go ahead with it.
The results and I’m not trying to brag here, but we moved his average
monthly open play from $35,000 to $51,000.
If there was
anything new at all, it was in the creative presentation of the delivery of the
offer, backed by a guarantee and a sweepstakes for an I pad (which generated
lots of new emails and about a dozen
summer league sign ups too). It was cool.
So the next time
you are looking for “what’s new”; maybe you should rephrase the question into “what’s