Friday, March 9, 2012

Focus Your Priorities

I read a recent quote from Maggie Fox, CEO of  Social Media, a Toronto based company that handles social media for large businesses. It goes something like this:

"If you have more than three priorities, then you have no priorities."

To better manage your time, why not write down just three goals for the day. Just three.

And try to accomplish those.

So often we set ourselves up for failure because we have a hundred things on our to do list. That's OK, but focus on three. Three priorities. You'll get more done and feel more satisfied.

To help set  priorities for my clients, I try to focus them on establishing three columns on a yellow legal pad. each column has these titles.

1. What can you do today to attract new business?
2. What can you do today to get  customers to return?
3. What can you do today to get customers to spend more when they come into the center?

I then ask them to list tasks under each column and then to put numbers next to each to establish priorities.

Try it. You'll like it.