Friday, September 18, 2009

Square One

Whenever you think you know it all, it’s probably time to go back to square one. What does it mean to go back to square one? Does it mean that everything up until that point has to be redone or can we take everything we have learned up to this point and move forward, only in a different direction?

I think we have to start over. The very thought process that brought us to this “NO Go decision” point assumed certain variables were in play. As the world turned and new events occurred to alter our perspective, these existing variables may still be the right ones, but the importance of each one may have changed, the weight we attach to each one may have changed and a new variable may be coming into play. Or maybe several new variables.

“What has changed”? That is the simple question. What variables will impact your business MORE (either negatively or positively) next week, next month, next year is the more complex question?.

But if you ask that question frequently enough, you will be able to find answers you cannot even imagine. And maybe some new opportunities

And that's a good thing.