These very same people, no doubt, have businesses, work for
companies or teach, lawyer account for and doctor other people. Do they carry their spirituality to their chosen
work lives?
I would like to think the answer is a resounding “Yes.” However; I have seen far fewer Facebook posts
about the same thankfulness they show for each other than they might show for
their business…and thus their customers.
Because when you have a business, it’s about satisfying the
customer, exceeding his or her expectations and, if we recognized this
more frequently - almost in a spiritual way - we wouldn’t need the thousands of customer service training
classes, remedial training and just common sense training that is so pervasive
in the business community today.
Here is a recent example of making it hard to do business.
I was preparing to celebrate my wife’s birthday, a fairly
significant number, may I add, and used the “Open Table” on line service. All went smooth until I decided to call the restaurant.
I dialed up the noted establishment and spoke to the maƮtre d. I pleasantly
asked her if I could bring a cake since my wife’s best friend had been baking
birthday cakes for her, lo these many years, for umpteen years and could we continue the
She answered, "absolutely…not!" I was astounded and asked her
to reconsider. She then responded that “we sell birthday cakes for $100 or $10
a slice. Since I was expecting a dozen or so people, I was getting annoyed with
her attitude and suggested that I might take my business elsewhere if she didn’t
deliver some satisfactory answers.
She simply said, “Fine, should I cancel your reservation?” “Let me speak to the manager”, I said.” “I am the manager", she said. In one swift movement, I hung up the phone and made a reservation somewhere else where, several days later, we were joyously received and I was able to bring my wife's birthday cake to the
Now how spiritual was this woman in her business? How much did she really care about her customers? How much did she empathize with me? How much did she put herself in my shoes? How much did she really appreciate the fact that I was willing to be her customer and if I had a good time, I would recommend the establishment to my friends. How much did she care
about being spiritual and kind in her business? Not at all. She blew off a fairly expensive dinner for
12; revenue her establishment would have received over “a silly policy” issue.
If you think this is a rare occasion, fly 100,000 miles a year with me and find out about the "unfriendly skies." Or try to return a product you bought on line, even if it had a 100% money back guarantee. Good luck finding a phone number or a process to send it back.
These silly policy issues, all too often, put a lot of pressure on front line people to defend the owner's decisions. Intuitively they know that your policies just, "ain't right."
Lots of turnover, recently? Could be a sign that your employees were always playing defense over your unfriendly policies, never getting a chance to do the right thing and deciding to find a better place to earn their wages. Check yourself if you like finding people doing something wrong as opposed to doing something right.
So why do we do these things? Simply because it was marginally better for the owner and not necessarily for the customer. What will happen to their business when loyal customers wake up and realize that, if they can't get from your establishment what they can easily obtain from other establishments, they will eventually choose a competitor's products or services, switch allegiances and never return to your establishment or buy your service again.
Please, please think about if you are doing anything to make it harder for your customer to buy your product or service. Try to be your customer for a few days and see what is making them, perhaps, "not like you as much as they used to." Just look at your sales and see if they have been steadily eroding? Is that a sign of something that you can fix and not "the economy."
Nevertheless, I
suspect that the manager with whom I spoke to at the first restaurant, in her private life, might very well be a spiritual and
generous soul. Let us hope.
And that’s why I am never going to go to Ninos Restaurant at
1354 1st Avenue ( 1st avenue and 72nd street in
Sometimes we step over dollars to pick up dimes.