Friday, September 23, 2011

Three Ways To Look at Our Business

There are only three perspectives from which we can view our business.

The first scenario is from the past. We look at how the business was and wish it would go back to that: Two (2) shifts of league bowlers, waiting lists and the only two problems we had was overbooking and slow bowlers. In this scenario, we do everything we can to take our business BACK to what it used to be.  Trouble with this perspective is that the particular jigsaw piece we are trying to fit into the puzzle is incorrect.  Because the puzzle has changed and the piece no longer fits.

The second scenario is the present perspective; we recognize the changing environment, economy, demographics and consumer attitude shifts and try to build contemporary products so we fire out a bunch of new promotions and programs, secretly hoping that we get ONE hit. (Hope is never a strategy)

The third scenario is the future. We build our products and programs in such a way as to define our vision of the future of our business. We don’t pray for the past or muck up the present with secret wishes. We work to build our future.

Better to ignore the past and present and look at our business with BOTH eyes on the future.