Monday, December 27, 2010

Be Relevant

I guess it’s that time of the year; the end of the year which promises us the end of the “old” and the beginning of the “new.” These demarcations must be important otherwise we wouldn’t wish each other “Happy New Year” and say things like: “Best wishes for health happiness and prosperity in The New Year.”

In many respects, it is good to get the old year behind us. 2010 wasn’t very kind to us and we eagerly await 2011 with its aura of a “new start.”

But what will you be starting anew?

Will it be the same old league structures and open play programs or will it be something more inviting, exciting and fun?

Will it be the same old open play programs or will it be new programs that offer people a way to identify with programs that are relevant to them?

It has been said that “you are what you eat.” If that be the case, than I think “you are what you buy.”

Today, people want their buying habits to reflect their values, as indicated by the surging interest in farmers markets and local clothing designers. Wouldn’t it stand to reason than that bowling, at retail, needs to reflect people’s values too?

What are some of those values?

As reported by a recent consumer study, people want to be viewed as:
Savvy shoppers who understand that getting good “quality” products and services are more important than getting a “quantity” of products.
Contemporary Traditionalists who want their home, its furnishings and the accouterments that go with it to reflect their sense of style, taste and values.
Individualists who want to be uniquely different, but not SO different that they are viewed as “weird or strange.”
Successful people who are fulfilling their social, economic, family and spiritual needs.
Optimistic about their future. (Recent consumer confidence studies have spiked in the past two months with more than 74% of respondents saying they are indeed optimistic about their future. This is up from 48% reported in November of 2009).

So maybe 2011 will be better than 2010.

But it is up to you to prove that your products are relevant to today’s view of how people see themselves. Or to create new products that achieve the same result.

In 2011; the mantra is “be relevant or go away.”

Monday, December 20, 2010


We live in a world of uncertainty. There was a time we could count on a few things like: "if we worked hard, we would get that promotion,get more money, get a bigger house and car, put our kids through college and then stroll off into a happy retirement."

For many people, this American Dream has either passed them buy or has been shattered by the recent economic meltdown. This meltdown has also caused uncertainty; uncertainty about the future and for CEO's that uncertainty is translated into "the should I or shouldn't I hire more people question"

Today, workplace uncertainty seems to be "going on forever." American businesses are still skittish about permanent jobs. So they hire temporary workers.

According to the US Labor Department, temporary workers accounted for 307,000 jobs out of the 1.17 million private sector jobs that were added in the past year. For the more than 15 million people who are still out of work, temporary jobs offer less benefits, have no job security and makes it harder for them to save. But yet, temporary jobs are their window; their chance at permanency and represent a glimmer of hope in a still very bleak employment picture.

For you, the bowling proprietor, this could be your chance to draw upon the excess "talent" that is out there; to raise the bar on the kind of people you can hire who will be more than willing to serve your customers the right way.

Who knows? Perhaps their temporary status at your center will become more permanent and with it you will get a better and more grateful employee who still believes the American Dream can come true!

And wouldn't that be nice.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Feed The Dog

Your advertising results are inextricably linked to the message.

Two advertisers invest the same amount of money reaching the same target audience. One succeeds brilliantly and buys the mansion on the hilltop. The other fails miserably, receiving no response whatsoever. The difference between these two was in the message of their ads.

Ads that speak to the heart of the customer and touch a nerve are the ones that turn little companies into big companies. But few people know how to write such an ad. (We do and have been for years!) Most business owners approach advertising with the goal of merely getting their name out. But there is no evidence to suggest this will help you in the slightest.

A recent study by the Wharton School of business, University of Pennsylvania indicated that everything hinges on the message you attach to your name. Is your message predictable and, consequently, boring? Is it believable? Is it relevant to the perceived need of the reader/listener/viewer?

Tempt a dog with a bowl of rice, and he'll ignore you. Put a steak in the bowl, and you'll have his undivided attention. Your prospective customers are no different.

What have you been putting in their bowls?

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Social Couponing Phenomenon

The social media couponing phenomenon has hit and it has hit hard.

"", a subscription service is now in over 150 markets and has about 15 million subscribers. It is the big kahuna in this new revenue generating marketing machine. Their model is to ask retailers, like you, to cut your price by 50%. Groupon then takes 50% of that price.

For example, if you are selling an "all you can bowl program" for $10, Groupon will ask you to sell it for $5. Groupon will then keep $2.50 of that while you keep the other $2.50. Pretty steep discount, yes? The advantage of Groupon, however; is that the offer can be geo-targeted to your market area; so its a real rifle shot and not just a shotgun marketing blast.

Groupon also sets a "buy in" level. Once a specified number of Groupon members sign up for it, the deal THEN goes live and the Groupon subscribers are then charged for the offer whether they use it or not. Groupon also asks for a long period of acceptance so expiration dates are less flexible.

There are other players in the market too such as,, and Be sure to check them out before you run to Groupon.

But, if you are going to use Groupon, offer a coupon for $10 worth of bowling for 2 or more people. Yes, you will only get $2.50, but at that price how much bowling and shoe rental can 2 people buy? Maybe 1 game each and maybe 2 pairs of shoes? At least you will have a chance for additional games (and additional food and beverage), provided that you you specify that the coupon is only valid for full price open play games and not for "specials."

Study this phenomenon. It will only grow in the future. Yet consolidations will happen. Groupon may be bought by Google. Several of the smaller social coupon companies will consolidate and some will go away. Other new models may appear as well, more suited to your needs.

One other point; many of these social couponing companies may not let you access the data of those people who subscribed to your offer. You may be on your own on this one so make that a goal of your get the data!

And like other marketing tactics, make sure your goals are crystal clear. Do you want to tap into a new customer base? Do you want to get bargain hunters in to whom you can sell other "special" products or are you looking to get people to bring a friend or two) to the center.

Start with the goal, then the strategy and then the tactic.

Marketing never works any other way.

Friday, December 10, 2010

How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You?

If the goal of marketing is to create sales, then your marketing must create positive perceptions about your center. So really, what people say or think about your business or product offering is the chasm that must be bridged before any new sales can occur!

Try this exercise. Present your new idea or product to a group of people, maybe to your employees. Then, afterwards, speak to each employee individually . You will be amazed at what they heard. It will probably be different from what you said. Sometimes, very different.

Unfortunately, people don't listen well, especially to details. They hear what they want to hear. They interpret, what they heard, in a very different fashion from what you said. Just because they are "people" and that's how they are wired.

All too often a proprietor will send out ONE direct mail piece or use the newspaper for ONE advertisement. Or run ONE week of electronic media (Radio or TV) only to conclude that the program didn't work when in reality, it was the infrequency of message that brought the program to its knees.

When in doubt, speak to your audience as often as you can afford. Say it frequently and then say it again. More often than not, its the frequency of message, and NOT the product.

Moral of the story: You can never tell your prospect too often about your business, your product or your idea. Never.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

There Is No Safety In Numbers

Recent reports around the industry are confirming what we all know, “open play is down and league starts this fall were off by more than 5%."

Proprietors all over the country are calling each other to find out "how the other guy” did and if his/her numbers are the same as ours.

Ok, so now you know that your numbers are equal to, slightly lower or slightly higher than the other guys. Does that make you feel safe?

It’s easy to take solace in the fact that there are other people worse off than us. I guess that’s why we slow down when we see a traffic accident; to feel better about ourselves and thank the universe it isn't us in that wreck (and to pray for the people who are in it).

But it may be a false sense of safety. Even though November and December numbers are showing some improvement, it is way too early to say that the business is “back to normal.”

I don’t think "normal” will ever return. Not in market that has been economically shell shocked; an unemployment level that is stuck at 9.7%; and the threat of looming inflation.

What to do?

• Double down on your best customers
. Go after your best customers with special offers if they bring a friend bowling; provide them with food and beverage specials; develop offers for families ("Hey Moms and Dads, bowl at the same price as your kids”).

• Create more fun.
Get that fun person to MC your cosmic bowling nights. Add fun prizes, trivia contest, dance contests, bring in a local band and split the door charge with them (charge $7 or so and give them $3.50). Have your staff dress up in funny hats on Saturdays and Sundays; hire a magician for the kids/families on weekends.

Get your employees pumped up. You’re selling team building company parties, holiday parties to the corporate market, but what are you doing to keep your employees motivated during your peak season? Are you constantly preaching customer service??

Get out of the building. You can’t make any money sitting on your *%^@*! Whether it’s you or your manager or your husband or your wife, somebody has to go out and do a sales blitz in your community. Sell short season 8 week leagues, team building events, adult child programs, and distribute lots of coupons offering $5 off, $10 off bowling (based on a purchase of $XX). Just do it.

Advertise. Tell somebody you are out there; that you have an entertainment option for families, young adults, and kids. Cable TV is your best buy. Buy prime time; target 18 to 34 yr olds for weekday open play after 9pm or for cosmic bowling or females 25 to 44 for family programs.

Social marketing. Learn it. Study it. Get good at it and use it to build relationships with your customers. Continue to build your data base and use it (don’t abuse it) to communicate the benefits your center offers.

There is no safety in numbers. The only real safety is between your ears and your ability to do 21st century marketing.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Third Eye Blind

Good marketing people know that the key to marketing success is having a product that people want to buy. No mystery here.

But great marketing people know that they need to CONSTANTLY either, improve upon their existing product by adding (or deleting) features to the product or finding a new market segment for the product. If you can do both, you are a mastermind marketer.

In our world we have two categories of products, “league play” and “open play”. (Some purists would say “tournament play” is a third category, but I include that in an “organized open play category on my DSR, daily sales report)

No doubt you have sepnt countlesshours and monies to improve your lineage and revenue in both of these categories You no doubt have devoted countless hours to develop open bowling “specials” andspecial pricing models

You have been working on these issues, it seems like, forever.

While short season bowling has been an important part of the marketing mix fro a long time, it is only within the last few years that many more proprietors can see how valuable this product is to attract open play bowlers to participate more frequently (more than their current level of 2 or 3 times annnual visits). And because of the lesser time commitment, it is far more appealing to the new bowler as well.

This new product category; a third eye so to speak, is a hybrid of league and open play. Very simply, it is short season bowling (8 weekly sessions or less qualifies for this category). Usually two games and typically for a period of less than 8 weeks.

Sometimes it is offered with a premium; other times with an optional premium. And still other times, no premium at all. It can be for kids only, adults and kids, or even adults. It is this latter category where I believe the greatest opportunity exists

The consumer appeal for this type of product is;
• No long commitment,
• No great bowlers to compete with
• Inexpensive total cost (6 to 8 weeks vs. 32 weeks) price relative to longer
season length and 2 game format gets me home earlier
• Get premiums
• Win fun weekly prizes
• No complicated “league rules”

USBC tells me that there are 1.7mm sanctioned league bowlers and this number is off over 6% this year. Wasn’t it just 3mm bowlers a minute ago?

Years ago, the league bowler penetration rate against all adults was almost 10%. Today, with 1.7mm USBC bowlers, less than 1% of all adults in this country over the age of 18 bowl in a sanctioned league. So clearly the appeal of the long season league bowling has dwindled…and dwindled.

Marketing this NEW product (8 week leagues or less) to a new generation of 18 to 34 years old customers is what the NEW league marketing strategy is about.

Let me know how you do with marketing this product.