Monday, May 7, 2012

Are You Asking For A Call To Action?

It might seem like a simple concept, but people are more likely to do something if you specifically ask them.  Add the words, "please re tweet" to the end of your tweets.  Include "Like us" on "Facebook" on your Facebook page, and add things like "Please comment below" to the bottom of your blog posts. 

Seems pretty simple, but so few of the Facebook posts I get or tweets have these simple instructions.

Moreover, the fliers that I see in centers have very little calls to action. I rarely ever see a "sign up now"  or call "123 456 7891 to reserve your spot.

For a call to action to be meaningful it should:
  •       Tell the reader or respondent exactly what action he or she should take Call? Go to a website? Tear off the coupon? Go to a meeting?  Call back? What do you specifically want me to do?
  •       When do you want me to do this by?  Always, always put a deadline on your call to action so it invokes a sense of urgency in the customer's mind?
  •       Provide the customer with a reason to take the action NOW. Save money if you order earlier?  Get a better offer next time? Hold the space at the same price for a friend?  Get a FREE (premium) if you order or reserve now?
  •      Once the respondent acts upon your offer, you should have a way to get right back to the respondent and notify him that his space was reserved, his party confirmed and that his "order" was acknowledged.  Check out "auto responder" software on the Internet. Check out "Constant Contact or "Icontact". Then when someone subscribes to your blog or newsletter, you can immediately acknowledge his or her purchase and then ask for a referral.
It's hard enough to get some one's attention these days so once you have it, your goal is to make sure that person takes specific action.

If you leave that action to chance, well, that's a chance you will be taking.

"Please leave a comment at the bottom or like us on Facebook." :)

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