Monday, March 11, 2013

Blogs Outrank Social Networks for Consumer Influence

A recent poll by “Technorati” magazine indicated that the #1 way to influence consumers’ purchasing decisions is by blogging.  

The report found that blogs are now the third most influential digital source behind retail sites and brand sites.

Consumers said that blog ranks higher than Twitter for shaping their opinion and higher than Facebook for making purchasing decisions.

Why are blogs so influential?  Because bloggers tend to be very honest and sincere in their reviews of products and services.

By talking about both the positive and negative aspects of a brand, they become a trusted source of information.

And as you know trust drives action, and thus consumers look to bloggers before they buy.

Trust is the currency of influence and consumers are looking for trusted digital friends to give them advice on what to buy and where to go.  That's why bloggers who offer such advice are influential - because consumers trust their guidance.

So if you want your influence to grow, you need to become a trusted source. You can only do this by providing compelling content on your blog and then amplify it through social media. 

People will listen.  And you will become their go to resource for specific advice.

Here is one suggestion to get you started thinking in the right direction...

You do this by establishing an "entertainment blog" and telling people what there is to do in and around the area.

Report on other activities for families and kids and include your center as well, making sure to be very subtle in the advantages of coming to your "Happy Lanes" instead of a local competition.

If there is a great activity in town; encourage people to go to the (I.e.) championship HS football game AND then come to "Happy Lanes" to celebrate.

Talk about health and fitness and calories burned by activity  Talk about local charities and what  and where fund raising events are happening (like at your center).

I know you are sitting there, scratching your head and saying, "Now Fred, you've said a lot of out of the box things in your blog, but now you want me to tell people about my competition?  R U NUTS?"

Yeah, I want you to become the expert on entertainment. Yeah, I want people to look to you first for advice and Yeah, I want people to trust you.  Because trust breeds action which = sales at your center!!

As far as the second question goes, its a toss up :)

The real question is do you even have a blog?  If not, what are you waiting for? 

Do you need assistance in creating one?  

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