Tuesday, October 9, 2012

You Only Have 8 Seconds, Dude

You’ve got 8 seconds to get me before I bail. That’s right 8 seconds.

Eight seconds to make sure your headline ropes me in and gets me to read the copy.
And to do it right, you need a headline between 8 and 14 words.  The fact is there’s a lot riding on writing the perfect headline to grab attention, generate some interest and get the reader to stick around for a while.

So what do you do?

Well first, you do NOT put your center’s name in the headline. Nor do you say something like “Mixed league Now Forming”

Instead please pay attention to “Fredquarters Headline Rules 101.”

Rule #1 - A reason why headline. Here Are 3 Reasons Why You Could Have More Fun On Saturday Night Than Ever Before. This type of headline is best when followed  bulleted copy so readers can skim it quickly.

Rule #2 - The direct approach headline. Offers a benefit such as:  “Free Bowling for Families Friday Night.  This kind of approach just comes out and says it in your face!

Rule #3 - The indirect approach headline. More subtle and hopefully sparking curiosity a headline that targets company parties may look like this:  Where Will You Have Your Next Affair? 

Rule #4 - The question headline.  “Are You Tired of the Same Old Bored room?” is a question that your copy has to answer in the next two sentences. Short sentences that would relay the fact that your parties are “exciting, never boring and always fun”. The benefit of cost comes after all this because the copy has to relate to the headline.

Rule #5 - The testimonial headline. “Buying the Kids Bowl Free Family Pass Was the Best Decision I Ever Made.” This headline approach establishes credibility of your product by having a third party endorse it as valid.

Rule #6 – The how to headline.  This is a favorite of Internet marketers and one that offers a benefit or two.  “Here’s How to Have Real Family Fun and Save Big Too.”

Any of these six approaches will work. Test different headlines. Not just on your fliers or direct mail, but on your emails and other social media campaigns. 

Use the first 8 seconds wisely…or go home.

1 comment:

  1. Fred taught me early on, literally, do it right or don't do it at all...or go home!
