Sunday, September 16, 2012

7 Point Rosh Hashanah Marketing Checklist

Monday (9.17) marks Rosh Hashanah, (pronounced rush-hahsh-un-uh) the Jewish new year celebration and the beginning of the Days of Awe –

Rosh Hashanah, literally the "head of the year" is considered the birthday of Adam and Eve (and the rest of creation) and just as it marks the creation of humanity, every year it offers an opportunity for a new era in one's personal life. 

To all our friends, we wish you the traditional blessing of a joyous and sweet new year filled with peace and prosperity.

We also encourage you to take some time today (Monday) and examine your business and how you have been marketing your business.

Here’s my 7 Point “Rosh Hashanah Marketing Checklist"
1.      Do you really know who your customer is and what motivates him to choose bowling vs. other activities he could be doing?
2.      If you or a member of your family received a promotional offer from your center would it motivate you or a family member to go bowling?  Really?  Why?
3.      Are you offering a good value; maybe even a great value for your prospect?  Would you think it was a good value if you hadn’t been bowling in over one year?
4.      Is your level of service consistently good?  What could you do to surprise your customer and make his experience something that would create multiple word of mouth mentions?
5.      Is your communication building relationships, engaging your customers, creating a dialogue and providing valuable information or are you just selling, selling and selling
6.      Are you targeting specific messages to specific segments?  Are the messages you send relevant to that segment?  How do you know?  Have you asked anyone?
7.      What creative ways could you sell open play besides “Price?”  C’mon, you can do it. Think.  Look at other industries!

Rosh Hashanah. A time to renew, reinvent, reinvigorate and reenergize. Please use the day wisely.

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