Friday, June 1, 2012

Everyman Reactions

Some reactions to my "Everyman" post below I thought you would be interested in reading.  Thank you for your comments. Always appreciated

I have wondered for years why we don't have a national advertising program (generic) to promote our industry product. I have an annual advertising budget of about $20,000. for TV/radio and use it all up.
It would also be helpful if BPAA, USBC would do some advertising to also promote the sport/recreation to the "Everyman." 

We always see ads for PBA leading up to the show, usually on ESPN only but that is geared to the avid bowler. Do not get me wrong i am a fan of the Tour, but it would aleast be nice if they would end the show by expressing "Hey take someone to bowl with you." or "Go bowling." 

We also need this in front of the public for the "Everyman", as you stated, from BPAA and USBC. Any idea why this hasn't happened?

Michael Widmar General Manager Heritage Lanes Bowling Center 
Oklahoma City, OK.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             email:  email:

Fred,                                                                                                                                    Great piece. I particularly resonated to your comment that local proprietors as a group seldom advertise/promote any more. 

I can remember a time when every city and most state BPA groups ran many ads, joint promotions, etc and generally made a lot of noise about bowling. We have to bring that back.
Your point that bowling generally is invisible is right on.Sandy HansellSandy Hansell and Associates, Inc.Email: 

What do you think?. Please let me know. As always I thank you for reading this. :)

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