Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Hammer and The Nail

It has been said that, in business as in life, some days you are the hammer and some days you are the nail. But if you think that, what do your employees think? Probably the same thing. Or more likely...the nail.

The only problem is you may be using only one tool - the hammer - to fix or build your business. Maybe other tools are needed.

Tools like making short season programs part of your start up season and not just a fill in, programs that more efficiently utilize your data base by building relationships (rather than just selling) in ways that can improve your "open rate or click through rate."

More importantly, what about your employees?

Have you been using the same "tool" on them, only to find out that after the initial meetings, speeches, threats and persuasive dialogue that they retreat back to old behavior?

Maybe its because you haven't found out the secret to employee motivation.

Very simply, the secret is called "matter."

Employees, according to many surveys of workers in many industries, simply want to do work that "matters"; work that gives them a reason to believe that they are contributing to the organization's goals and that they make a difference.

When was the last time you complemented your employees or recognized their work for its contribution to your business?

Sure, everyone wants more money, but deep down, employees want to do work that matters.

Now you can go back to being the hammer or sometimes the nail or you can look for some new tools

What new tools do you need to put in your tool kit?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fred, I like this approach so much that we'll try on our next email.

    By the way, did you type "Hello Bob", or do you have a sophisticated word processor that takes the formal name and translates it to the nickname?

    Be well- love the blogs- how do you have the time
    Bob Smith
    Camelot lanes
