From here to the start of the season is about 6 to 8 weeks
(42 to 56 days); not a lot of time to do all that needs to be done
I’m not going to dwell on all you need to do starting with: (just some examples) but want to talk about
some new methods you can think about which have borne fruit in the past:
calling last season’s league bowlers
calling secretaries
contacting dropouts
holding league meetings
establishing league benefits
speaking to summer bowlers
selling open play summer bowlers
selling Kids Bowl Fee parents and kids
making sure you have short season leagues in
emailing, Facebook, twitter – the whole social
media campaign
referral programs
employee incentives
direct mail
Here are a couple of ideas to think about right now
and implement tomorrow:
Invite those corporate party people you last saw
in December for a FREE awesome August bowling party. Send emails, text messages
and then direct mail. And finally call them. You will get lots of food and beverage
income plus the opportunity to talk with them about 8 or 10 week or an every
other week bowling party league. Remind them that it doesn’t have to be the
same people on each team every night.
Do a sales blitz against local stores in your
market and invite them in on one or two available nights of free bowling from
6pm to midnight. Just bring in their
coupon that you delivered or get their email and send it that way. This sets up a selling situation to sell a
short have a ball league for 8 or 10 weeks either at 630pm or 930pm depending
on their hours. Hit at least 100 stores.
Set up a few band nights the last two weekends
in August and invite appropriate age demos (that match the band’s music) to
come into the center for $5. Bowling is
extra. Have a great short season league
ready to sell these folks that include music, bowling equipment and maybe
tickets to a concert in your home town or close to your town.
Host a fund raiser with the animal shelter and
use your venue to raise money for the shelter. Advertise this on local radio
and or cable TV. Have the animal shelter email their “donors” and let people
bring their dogs to the center and host a dog contest OUTSIDE OF THE CENTER. Have
a fund raiser league for the animal shelter for 10 to 12 weeks or every other
week or even once a month
Keep thinking about new ideas. Because in today’s environment you have to exceed
the customer's expectation…every time.