It was an offer I couldn’t refuse.
It was a little out of the bowling world, or so I thought, but afterwards I
realized how much of it was appropriate to our industry and therefore I wanted
to share it with all of you.
The main theme throughout his
presentation was “It’s really going to be difficult to be a worker or own a
business in this hyper connected world because the single most important fact
that it created was that average is officially over.”
is no longer acceptable to say we’re good enough, we’re routine.
According to Freidman you have to be non routine, highly adaptable and present
a highly unique value. Whether you are an individual or a business, you have to
justify why someone will hire you or buy your products and why you should either
be promoted or be worthy of loyal followers.
No doubt this may create some
anxiety (as if we need more!) amongst my fellow proprietors even if they haven’t
spoken about it in this way before. And
because every available piece of information about you, your company, your
employees is now available on the Internet, anyone can check you out before
buying your product or even coming to work in your center.
what’s going to set you apart? Here are some
First, you better be innovation ready.
You have to foster a culture of creativity, communication, collaboration and
critical thinking by instilling motivation in your new hires as well as existing
Second, you must, absolutely must hire
self motivated employees. the best employees you can hire are former HS or
College athletes. They understand team work; they understand winning; they
understand competing; they understand discipline and of course their DNA is
wrapped up in self motivation.
Third, think like my grandfather or
your grandfather; like an immigrant who came here hungry and was eternally
optimistic. They came from somewhere so bad, that it could ONLY be better here so
they were always afraid it whatever they got could be taken away in an instant.
Some paranoia, I believe, is actually healthy. (Who said that!?)
Fourth, you’re a work in progress.
ALWAYS having to learn something new or relearn or re engineer your business. Complacency
is a killer and can be one of the leading causes of health issues. Fat, dumb
and happy is no match today for a lean, mean driving machine.
Fifth, be entrepreneurial every day. A
waitress in the hotel gave me an extra large serving of a fruit cup and a refill. Guess who got a big tip from me today? You
betcha, the waitress! She didn’t control much, but she sure controlled the
ladle for the fruit cup.
Now go to the center and look at
everything you do and see if what you do is average. If it is, put a stamp on it that says, “Average" - It's Over!