Groups of protesters charging their phones on the street. Are these the 21st century weapons?
It took 18 days of social media to bring down 32 years of a regime in Egypt.
Read those words again, please. Isn't that an amazing fact. This result, this upheaval is somehow, at least to me, mind boggling. Especially in 18 days.
The Egyptian protests are a new breed of social unrest with communications fueled by social media sites like Google's YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. These social media sites, especially after Mubarak tried to cut them off; instead he galvanized 80 million Egyptians to stage a revolution resulting in a regime change. So much for underestimating the power of social media!!
But the communication - the words that were used- to inspire the people were chosen carefully, passionately and with serious thought. One of Google's Egyptian executives, Wael Ghonim, who was held prisoner for 10 days said, "I said one year ago that the Internet will change the political scene in Egypt and some Friends made fun of me", Mr. Ghonim wrote these words on his personal Facebook profile for friends after two days of swelling protests in Cairo. The next day, Jan. 28, he disappeared.
When released, Mr. Ghonim said, "We must be concerned with the words we use...they can stir passion, fear, trust, hope, greed, and either peace or civil unrest."
This concern for choosing the right words, especially in the social media world cannot be emphasized too strongly; it is crucial to achieving what you want the customer to know about your products.
So in your world of social media marketing for your center, choose your words carefully. Very carefully.
You can say "I am here" or you can say "Here I am." Both phrases indicate that you are at a certain place, but which one announces your presence the best?
If you chose "Here I am", you're getting it.